All Command Line Flags

See our guide on how to run trin for the most common flags.

Below is the current list of all command line flags.

Note that these flags may change over time, so run trin --help to get the most up-to-date information for your version.

Usage: trin [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  help              Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

      --web3-transport <WEB3_TRANSPORT>
          select transport protocol to serve json-rpc endpoint [default: ipc]
      --web3-http-address <WEB3_HTTP_ADDRESS>
          address to accept json-rpc http connections [default:]
      --web3-ipc-path <WEB3_IPC_PATH>
          path to json-rpc endpoint over IPC [default: /tmp/trin-jsonrpc.ipc]
      --discovery-port <DISCOVERY_PORT>
          The UDP port to listen on. [default: 9009]
      --bootnodes <BOOTNODES>
          One or more comma-delimited base64-encoded ENR's or multiaddr strings of peers to initially add to the local routing table [default: default]
      --external-address <EXTERNAL_ADDR>
          (Only use this if you are behind a NAT) The address which will be advertised to peers (in an ENR). Changing it does not change which port or address trin binds to. Port number is required, ex:
          Do not use STUN to determine an external IP. Leaves ENR entry for IP blank. Some users report better connections over VPN.
          Do not use UPnP to determine an external port.
      --unsafe-private-key <PRIVATE_KEY>
          Hex encoded 32 byte private key (with 0x prefix) (considered unsafe as it's stored in terminal history - keyfile support coming soon)
      --trusted-block-root <TRUSTED_BLOCK_ROOT>
          Hex encoded block root from a trusted checkpoint
      --network <NETWORK>
          Choose mainnet or angelfood [default: mainnet]
      --portal-subnetworks <PORTAL_SUBNETWORKS>
          Comma-separated list of which portal subnetworks to activate [default: history] <>
          Maximum storage capacity (in megabytes), shared between enabled subnetworks [default: 1000]
      --storage.beacon <storage.beacon>
          Maximum storage capacity (in megabytes) used by beacon subnetwork
      --storage.history <storage.history>
          Maximum storage capacity (in megabytes) used by history subnetwork
      --storage.state <storage.state>
          Maximum storage capacity (in megabytes) used by state subnetwork
      --enable-metrics-with-url <ENABLE_METRICS_WITH_URL>
          Enable prometheus metrics reporting (provide local IP/Port from which your Prometheus server is configured to fetch metrics)
      --data-dir <DATA_DIR>
          The directory for storing application data. If used together with --ephemeral, new child directory will be created. Can be alternatively set via TRIN_DATA_PATH env variable.
  -e, --ephemeral
          Use new data directory, located in OS temporary directory. If used together with --data-dir, new directory will be created there instead.
          Disables the poke mechanism, which propagates content at the end of a successful content query. Disabling is useful for network analysis purposes.
          Used to enable WebSocket rpc.
      --ws-port <WS_PORT>
          The WebSocket port to listen on. [default: 8546]
      --utp-transfer-limit <UTP_TRANSFER_LIMIT>
          The limit of max background uTP transfers for any given channel (inbound or outbound) for each subnetwork [default: 50]
  -h, --help
          Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version
          Print version