
Trin is a package that can be run:

cargo run -p trin

The trin repository is composed of workspaces that are used by the main Trin package. Their relationship is outlined below.


Code for the trin package is located in ./src.

This crate is responsible for the operation of the Trin node functionality.

  • Startup with different configurations via command line arguments
  • Starting threads for different important functions such as uTP, Discovery & JSON-RPC.
  • These threads perform tasks such as listening for peers or requests from a user.


This crate is responsible for the code that defines the main functions and data structures required for the operation of a Trin node. This includes code for:

  • Interacting with and managing peers
  • Determining content to store and share
  • Database management
  • Ethereum related data structures


This crate is responsible for the History sub-protocol. This means interacting with peers to retrieve and distribute the following:

  • Block headers
  • Block bodies
  • Block receipts

Additionally, it is also responsible for the header accumulator, a structure which provides a mechanism to determine whether a given block hash is part of the canonical set of block hashes.

The crate uses the ethportal-api crate to represent the main data type in this crate: the HistoryContentKey. This struct implements the OverlayContentKey trait, which allows it to be treated as a member of the broader family of OverlayContentKeys.


This crate exists mostly as a stub for future work.

This crate is equivalent in function to the trin-history crate, but instead is responsible for the State sub-protocol.

This means that it is responsible for:

  • The state of all accounts.
  • The state of all contracts.
  • The bytecode of all contracts.

Data in the state network is represented as a tries (tree structures). The network uses proofs against these tries to allow Trin nodes to verify the correctness of data.


This crate seeks to expose the data structures in the Portal Network specification. This includes features such as derived SSZ encoding and convenience functions.

The crate defines traits that may be used across different sub-protocols. For example, the OverlayContentKey may be implemented for content on both the History and State sub-protocols. Thus a function can accept content from both networks via T: OverlayContentKey.

fn handles_content_keys<T: OverlayContentKey>(key: T) {
    // Snip

The crate will evolve to provide the types required for the other sub-protocols.


This crate contains implementations of ethportal-api jsonrpsee server API traits in Trin and interface for running the JSON-RPC server.


Trin uses Micro Transport Protocol (uTP) a UDP based protocol similar to the BitTorrent protocol. This crate can be used to set up clients and servers to test the protocol on a single machine.


Home for integration testing utils used by trin.