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Verifying Changes

The tox tool can be executed locally to check that local changes won't cause Github Actions Checks to fail.


Tox can be ran as a git pre-commit hook, see Enabling Pre-Commit Checks.

Executing tox


python -m venv ./venv/
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install tox


Run tox, as executed in Github Actions, with:

tox run-parallel

or, with sequential test environment execution and verbose output as:


This executes all the environments described in the next section.

Tox Virtual Environment

The checks performed by tox are sandboxed in their own virtual environments (which are created automatically in the .tox/ subdirectory). These can be used to debug errors encountered during tox execution.

Whilst we create a virtual environment in the code snippet above, it's only to install the tox tool itself.

Executing tox Environments Individually

There are three tox environments available:

  1. framework: Lint and test framework and libraries related code in src/.
  2. tests: Lint and test the test cases in tests/ (runs fill on all forks deployed to mainnet).
  3. docs: Lint and spell-check markdown in docs/; build docs.

For targeted tox runs locally, each environment can be ran separately as described below.

Test Case Verification: tests


tox -e tests

Framework Verification: framework


tox -e framework

Documentation Verification: docs

This environment runs pyspelling and markdownlint-cli2 in a "soft fail" mode because they require external (non-python) packages. This allows developers who aren't working on documentation to execute tox locally without additional overhead. These commands are, however, ran as part of the checks in Github Actions.

Additional, optional prerequisites:

  1. pyspelling:

    sudo apt-get install aspell aspell-en
  2. markdownlint-cli2:

    sudo apt install nodejs
    sudo npm install markdownlint-cli2 --global

    Or use a specific node version using nvm, for example.


tox -e docs