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Test JUMPF Execution

Documentation for tests/osaka/eip7692_eof_v1/eip6206_jumpf/

Generate fixtures for these test cases for Osaka with:

fill -v tests/osaka/eip7692_eof_v1/eip6206_jumpf/ --fork Osaka

EOF JUMPF tests covering simple cases.

Test Functions Overview

Name Type Cases (Osaka) Description
test_jumpf_forward eof_state_test 0 Test JUMPF jumping forward.
test_jumpf_to_retf eof_state_test 0 Tests JUMPF to a returning section with RETF.
test_jumpf_to_self eof_state_test 0 Tests JUMPF jumping to self.
test_jumpf_and_retf eof_state_test 0 Tests JUMPF and RETF in the same section.
test_jumpf_too_large eof_state_test 0 Tests JUMPF jumping to a section outside the max section range.
test_jumpf_way_too_large eof_state_test 0 Tests JUMPF jumping to uint64.MAX.
test_jumpf_to_nonexistent_section eof_state_test 0 Tests JUMPF jumping to valid section number but where the section does not exist.
test_callf_to_non_returning_section eof_state_test 0 Tests CALLF into a non-returning section.
test_jumpf_stack_size_1024 eof_state_test 0 Test stack reaching 1024 items in target function of JUMPF.
test_jumpf_with_inputs_stack_size_1024 eof_state_test 0 Test stack reaching 1024 items in target function of JUMPF with inputs.
test_jumpf_stack_size_1024_at_push eof_state_test 0 Test stack reaching 1024 items in JUMPF target function at PUSH0 instruction.
test_jumpf_stack_overflow eof_state_test 0 Test rule #2 in execution semantics, where we make sure we have enough stack to guarantee
test_jumpf_with_inputs_stack_size_1024_at_push eof_state_test 0 Test stack reaching 1024 items in JUMPF target function with inputs at PUSH0 instruction.
test_jumpf_with_inputs_stack_overflow eof_state_test 0 Test stack overflowing 1024 items in JUMPF target function with inputs.
test_jumpf_infinite_loop eof_state_test 0 Tests JUMPF causing an infinite loop.