The evm_bytes
Convert EVM bytecode to EEST's Python Opcodes or an assembly string.
The input can be either a hex string or a binary file containing EVM bytes.
evm_bytes [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
- binary-file: Convert a binary file to Python Opcodes or assembly.
- hex-string: Convert a hex string to Python Opcodes or assembly.
evm_bytes binary-file¶
Convert the BINARY_FILE containing EVM bytes to Python Opcodes or assembly.
BINARY_FILE is a binary file containing EVM bytes, use -
to read from stdin.
Returns: (str): The processed EVM opcodes in Python or assembly format.
Example: Convert the Withdrawal Request contract to assembly uv run evm_bytes binary-file ./src/ethereum_test_forks/forks/contracts/withdrawal_request.bin --assembly
Output: caller push20 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe eq push1 0x90 jumpi ...
evm_bytes binary-file [OPTIONS] BINARY_FILE
-a, --assembly Output the code as assembly instead of Python Opcodes.
--help Show this message and exit.
evm_bytes hex-string¶
Convert the HEX_STRING representing EVM bytes to EEST Python Opcodes.
HEX_STRING is a string containing EVM bytecode.
Returns: (str): The processed EVM opcodes in Python or assembly format.
Example 1: Convert a hex string to EEST Python Opcodes
uv run evm_bytes hex-string 604260005260206000F3
Output 1: Op.PUSH1[0x42] + Op.PUSH1[0x0] + Op.MSTORE + Op.PUSH1[0x20] + Op.PUSH1[0x0] + Op.RETURN
Example 2: Convert a hex string to assembly uv run evm_bytes hex-string --assembly 604260005260206000F3
Output 2: push1 0x42 push1 0x00 mstore push1 0x20 push1 0x00 return
evm_bytes hex-string [OPTIONS] HEX_STRING
-a, --assembly Output the code as assembly instead of Python Opcodes.
--help Show this message and exit.