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Filling Tests

Execution of test cases against clients is a two-step process:

  1. JSON test fixtures are generated from the Python test cases found in ./tests using fill and an EVM transition tool (t8n) implementation.
  2. Clients "consume" the JSON fixtures via either a dedicated, client-specific interface or a testing environment such as Hive.

The process of generating fixtures is often referred to as "filling" the tests.

The execute command

The execute command directly executes Python test cases against a client via its RPC without using generated JSON fixtures. For all other methods of testing clients, the JSON fixtures are required. For more information, see Executing Tests.

Transition Tools (t8n)

The fill command requires an EVM t8n tool provided by most clients in order to generate the JSON fixtures. The t8n tool is mainly responsible for calculating the post-state of the EVM after executing a transaction, most relevantly, it calculates the updated state root.

Ethereum Execution Layer Specification (EELS)

By default, the Ethereum Execution Layer Specification (EELS) reference implementation of the t8n tool is used to generate test fixtures for all forks that have been deployed to Ethereum mainnet. We strong encourage EIP authors to provide a reference implementation of their EIP in EELS, so that it can be used to generate test fixtures for features under active development.

Limitations of Filling

The "fill-consume" method follows a differential testing approach: A reference implementation is used to generate JSON test fixtures, which can then be executed against other EVM clients. However:

Successfully filling does not guarantee correctness

Some tests cases, particularly those without straightforward post-checks, such as certain gas calculations, may allow subtle inconsistencies to slip through during filling.

Consequently, filling the tests does not ensure the client’s correctness. Clients must consume the tests to be considered correctly tested, even if that client was used to fill the tests.