Sharding -- Polynomial Commitments
Notice: This document is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers.
Table of contents
This document specifies basic polynomial operations and KZG polynomial commitment operations as they are needed for the sharding specification. The implementations are not optimized for performance, but readability. All practical implementations should optimize the polynomial operations, and hints what the best known algorithms for these implementations are included below.
BLS Field
Name |
Value |
Notes |
0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000001 (curve order of BLS12_381) |
7 |
Primitive root of unity of the BLS12_381 (inner) BLS_MODULUS |
KZG Trusted setup
Name |
Value |
Type List[G1] . The G1-side trusted setup [G, G*s, G*s**2....] ; note that the first point is the generator. |
Type List[G2] . The G2-side trusted setup [G, G*s, G*s**2....] |
Custom types
We define the following Python custom types for type hinting and readability:
Name |
SSZ equivalent |
Description |
KZGCommitment |
Bytes48 |
A G1 curve point |
BLSFieldElement |
uint256 |
A number x in the range 0 <= x < BLS_MODULUS |
BLSPolynomialByCoefficients |
List[BLSFieldElement] |
A polynomial over the BLS field, given in coefficient form |
BLSPolynomialByEvaluations |
List[BLSFieldElement] |
A polynomial over the BLS field, given in evaluation form |
Helper functions
| def next_power_of_two(x: int) -> int:
assert x > 0
return 2 ** ((x - 1).bit_length())
| def reverse_bit_order(n: int, order: int) -> int:
Reverse the bit order of an integer n
assert is_power_of_two(order)
# Convert n to binary with the same number of bits as "order" - 1, then reverse its bit order
return int(('{:0' + str(order.bit_length() - 1) + 'b}').format(n)[::-1], 2)
| def list_to_reverse_bit_order(l: List[int]) -> List[int]:
Convert a list between normal and reverse bit order. The permutation is an involution (inverts itself)..
return [l[reverse_bit_order(i, len(l))] for i in range(len(l))]
Field operations
Generic field operations
| def bls_modular_inverse(x: BLSFieldElement) -> BLSFieldElement:
Compute the modular inverse of x, i.e. y such that x * y % BLS_MODULUS == 1 and return 1 for x == 0
lm, hm = 1, 0
low, high = x % BLS_MODULUS, BLS_MODULUS
while low > 1:
r = high // low
nm, new = hm - lm * r, high - low * r
lm, low, hm, high = nm, new, lm, low
return lm % BLS_MODULUS
| def roots_of_unity(order: uint64) -> List[BLSFieldElement]:
Compute a list of roots of unity for a given order.
The order must divide the BLS multiplicative group order, i.e. BLS_MODULUS - 1
assert (BLS_MODULUS - 1) % order == 0
roots = []
root_of_unity = pow(PRIMITIVE_ROOT_OF_UNITY, (BLS_MODULUS - 1) // order, BLS_MODULUS)
current_root_of_unity = 1
current_root_of_unity = current_root_of_unity * root_of_unity % BLS_MODULUS
return roots
Field helper functions
| def compute_powers(x: BLSFieldElement, n: uint64) -> List[BLSFieldElement]:
current_power = 1
powers = []
for _ in range(n):
current_power = current_power * int(x) % BLS_MODULUS
return powers
| def low_degree_check(commitments: List[KZGCommitment]):
Checks that the commitments are on a low-degree polynomial.
If there are 2*N commitments, that means they should lie on a polynomial
of degree d = K - N - 1, where K = next_power_of_two(2*N)
(The remaining positions are filled with 0, this is to make FFTs usable)
For details see here:
assert len(commitments) % 2 == 0
N = len(commitments) // 2
r = hash_to_bls_field(commitments, 0)
K = next_power_of_two(2 * N)
d = K - N - 1
r_to_K = pow(r, N, K)
roots = list_to_reverse_bit_order(roots_of_unity(K))
# For an efficient implementation, B and Bprime should be precomputed
def B(z):
r = 1
for w in roots[:d + 1]:
r = r * (z - w) % BLS_MODULUS
return r
def Bprime(z):
r = 0
for i in range(d + 1):
m = 1
for w in roots[:i] + roots[i + 1:d + 1]:
m = m * (z - w) % BLS_MODULUS
r = (r + m) % BLS_MODULUS
return r
coefs = []
for i in range(K):
coefs.append( - (r_to_K - 1) * bls_modular_inverse(K * roots[i * (K - 1) % K] * (r - roots[i])) % BLS_MODULUS)
for i in range(d + 1):
coefs[i] = (coefs[i] + B(r) * bls_modular_inverse(Bprime(r) * (r - roots[i]))) % BLS_MODULUS
assert elliptic_curve_lincomb(commitments, coefs) == bls.inf_G1()
| def vector_lincomb(vectors: List[List[BLSFieldElement]], scalars: List[BLSFieldElement]) -> List[BLSFieldElement]:
Compute a linear combination of field element vectors.
r = [0]*len(vectors[0])
for v, a in zip(vectors, scalars):
for i, x in enumerate(v):
r[i] = (r[i] + a * x) % BLS_MODULUS
return [BLSFieldElement(x) for x in r]
| def bytes_to_field_elements(block: bytes) -> List[BLSFieldElement]:
Slices a block into 31-byte chunks that can fit into field elements.
sliced_block = [block[i:i + 31] for i in range(0, len(bytes), 31)]
return [BLSFieldElement(int.from_bytes(x, "little")) for x in sliced_block]
Polynomial operations
| def add_polynomials(a: BLSPolynomialByCoefficients, b: BLSPolynomialByCoefficients) -> BLSPolynomialByCoefficients:
Sum the polynomials ``a`` and ``b`` given by their coefficients.
a, b = (a, b) if len(a) >= len(b) else (b, a)
return [(a[i] + (b[i] if i < len(b) else 0)) % BLS_MODULUS for i in range(len(a))]
| def multiply_polynomials(a: BLSPolynomialByCoefficients, b: BLSPolynomialByCoefficients) -> BLSPolynomialByCoefficients:
Multiplies the polynomials `a` and `b` given by their coefficients
r = [0]
for power, coef in enumerate(a):
summand = [0] * power + [coef * x % BLS_MODULUS for x in b]
r = add_polynomials(r, summand)
return r
| def interpolate_polynomial(xs: List[BLSFieldElement], ys: List[BLSFieldElement]) -> BLSPolynomialByCoefficients:
Lagrange interpolation
assert len(xs) == len(ys)
r = [0]
for i in range(len(xs)):
summand = [ys[i]]
for j in range(len(ys)):
if j != i:
weight_adjustment = bls_modular_inverse(xs[j] - xs[i])
summand = multiply_polynomials(
summand, [weight_adjustment, ((BLS_MODULUS - weight_adjustment) * xs[i])]
r = add_polynomials(r, summand)
return r
| def evaluate_polynomial_in_evaluation_form(poly: BLSPolynomialByEvaluations, x: BLSFieldElement) -> BLSFieldElement:
Evaluates a polynomial (in evaluation form) at an arbitrary point
roots = roots_of_unity(field_elements_per_blob)
def A(z):
r = 1
for w in roots:
r = r * (z - w) % BLS_MODULUS
return r
def Aprime(z):
return field_elements_per_blob * pow(z, field_elements_per_blob - 1, BLS_MODULUS)
r = 0
inverses = [bls_modular_inverse(z - x) for z in roots]
for i, x in enumerate(inverses):
r += poly[i] * bls_modular_inverse(Aprime(roots[i])) * x % BLS_MODULUS
r = r * A(x) % BLS_MODULUS
return r
KZG Operations
We are using the KZG10 polynomial commitment scheme (Kate, Zaverucha and Goldberg, 2010:
Elliptic curve helper functions
| def elliptic_curve_lincomb(points: List[KZGCommitment], scalars: List[BLSFieldElement]) -> KZGCommitment:
BLS multiscalar multiplication. This function can be optimized using Pippenger's algorithm and variants.
This is a non-optimized implementation.
r = bls.inf_G1()
for x, a in zip(points, scalars):
r = r.add(x.mult(a))
return r
Hash to field
| def hash_to_bls_field(x: Container, challenge_number: uint64) -> BLSFieldElement:
This function is used to generate Fiat-Shamir challenges. The output is not uniform over the BLS field.
return (
(int.from_bytes(hash(hash_tree_root(x) + int.to_bytes(challenge_number, 32, "little")), "little"))
KZG operations
| def verify_kzg_proof(commitment: KZGCommitment, x: BLSFieldElement, y: BLSFieldElement, proof: KZGCommitment) -> None:
Check that `proof` is a valid KZG proof for the polynomial committed to by `commitment` evaluated
at `x` equals `y`.
zero_poly = G2_SETUP[1].add(G2_SETUP[0].mult(x).neg())
assert (
bls.Pairing(proof, zero_poly)
== bls.Pairing(commitment.add(G1_SETUP[0].mult(y).neg), G2_SETUP[0])
| def verify_kzg_multiproof(commitment: KZGCommitment,
xs: List[BLSFieldElement],
ys: List[BLSFieldElement],
proof: KZGCommitment) -> None:
Verify a KZG multiproof.
zero_poly = elliptic_curve_lincomb(G2_SETUP[:len(xs)], interpolate_polynomial(xs, [0] * len(ys)))
interpolated_poly = elliptic_curve_lincomb(G2_SETUP[:len(xs)], interpolate_polynomial(xs, ys))
assert (
bls.Pairing(proof, zero_poly)
== bls.Pairing(commitment.add(interpolated_poly.neg()), G2_SETUP[0])
| def verify_degree_proof(commitment: KZGCommitment, degree_bound: uint64, proof: KZGCommitment):
Verifies that the commitment is of polynomial degree < degree_bound.
assert (
bls.Pairing(proof, G2_SETUP[0])
== bls.Pairing(commitment, G2_SETUP[-degree_bound])